My wife keeps my yeast as frozen stock in her laboratory. With a few days notice, she pulls a loop from the frozen stock and reinstates them in an agar plate. From there, she scrapes the yeast from the plate to a glucose vial.

In two days time, she brings home the vial to step-up to a 1L starter. This time, she also brought home the yeast plate to scrape for more cells.

Not many homebrewers have a PhD in the house to do this kind of stuff. It certainly saves cost per batch and it is very convenient!

I use a wide-mouth 1L erlenmeyer flask to step-up the yeast count and increase viability for pitching. In the flask are a few hop pellets, a pinch of yeast nutrient and a magnetic stir bar. The wide-mouth flask and a few hop pellets help reduce the chance of a boil over. In a measuring cup is 1/2 cup of dried malt extract and filtered water. I warm this up to near boiling in the microwave. This also helps reduce the chance of a boil over.

Together, I find 850ml to work best. 900 gives me less time to take preventative measures if a boil over is occurring (are you getting the theme here yet?). The largest challenge is bringing it up to a boil very carefully. When the wort begins to boil, ease off the heat to medium and allow to boil for 20 minutes for sterilization. (
Excuse our gross college stove! I'm sure a little of that comes from boil-overs from yeast starters but mostly from my lovely makinamess wife!)

After 20 minutes of boiling, I immediately cover the flask with aluminum foil and allow to cool on the stove top for about 5 minutes. I then immerse the flask in cool bath of water until room temperature.

When the flask is room temperature, I pitch the entire contents of the yeast vial in the flask and allow the stir plate to provide oxygen and consistent yeast-to-sugar contact.

24 hours on the stir plate turns the starter color from a malty brown to a yeasty beige, ready for pitching and immediate fermentation. I always place a damp towel between the starter and my stirrer since it generates a bit of heat.
you don't have a Ph D in the house just yet, don't jinx it!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should!? That way, I ensure laboratory yeast stock for years and chillindamos for ages.