Found out some cool info about Kona Brew Co. The Kona location brews for local bottle and keg distribution, for their restaurant here, and for the Oahu (Hawaii Kai) restaurant location but all mainland brewing and distribution goes through Oregon (Widmer). Makes sense considering shipping would be outrageously unchillindamos. They are also working on an East Coast brewing and distribution location.
If you've never had their Wailua Wheat, its quite the summer beer being brewed with passion fruit. ALTHOUGH, the Wailua Wheat here uses lilikoi fruit and the mainland version uses a passion fruit available locally. After having Wailua Wheat enthusiastically on tap on the mainland, I can say that the island recipe is insanely more amazing.
Here, I'm having their Dryside Stout. Kona is on the dryside of the island with the other side, the Hilo side, being one of the wettest in the world. I'm unsure of the attenuation of this stout but I think its the driest beer I've had thus far. Aloha!
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Serve Commercial Kegs… Ball Lock to Sanke Adapter – Fits A D S G Type Keg
Coupler – $13.49, best price + free prime ship
PERA Keg Coupler Adapter Sankey to Ball Lock Quick Disconnect Conversion
Kit for Home Brewing These allow you to […]
2 hours ago
Jesus, that's beautiful! Are they hiring? Pick me up a job application! ; )
I'll ask if we stop by again. Not a bad place to be brewing!